Dark clouds surmount our life. Every day, heavy rains of negativity soak us with gloom. We offer you a bright, yellow umbrella to keep you protected. Here, at Pursuit of Happiness, we encourage you to pursue your own happiness and share it. We are here to remind you that you are your own sunshine.

Pursuit Of Happiness encourages its readers to share their personal experiences of yellow umbrellas. We provide a platform to share things that bring a smile to your face. Be it a random act of kindness, or the voice of your mother over the phone. Daffodils, clouds, birds, a school reunion, a cheesy text from your partner, a new trick that your pet learned; anything under the sky that fills your heart with joy.

The Pursuit of Happiness is an attempt to explore profound beauty in the simplest of experiences. Your experiences. Share them with people seeking beauty and smiles. Email us your experiences, and we will ensure they feature on our blog. We accept experiences in all forms- a simple paragraph, a poetry, a story, a photograph, a painting; all expressions of beauty.

Help us to spread sunshine!

“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.”
― Joseph Addison
